Become a member - Ownia Collection

Become a member hotel


At Ownia Collection we provide a variety of tools and services that adjust to the needs of each property, focusing on helping each member hotel exceed its sales and revenue goals without interfering with the overall operation and management of your hotel.

How it works
Let’s get to know each other. Jump on a call where we’ll tell you all about Ownia, and we’d love to hear all about you!
Please fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch soon.
We want to get to know your sustainability and quality standards. We will make sure you are a great fit for Ownia and that we can add value to your hotel.
Let’s sign and make it official!


You are now part of the leading booking platform for sustainable travelers!
Guide to become a sustainable hotel

Welcome to Ownia Collection’s ultimate guide to transforming your hotel into a beacon of sustainability. In today’s world, the demand for eco-friendly practices is more pressing than ever, and we believe every hotel has the potential to lead the charge toward a greener future.

Our comprehensive guide is designed to inspire and empower hoteliers to embrace sustainable practices without fear or hesitation. Dive into practical strategies aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, GSTC criteria, and our own 12 impact pillars, and embark on a journey that promises to elevate your establishment to new heights of excellence and responsibility.
Join us in making a profound, positive impact on the world, one sustainable step at a time.
Lets Get in touch